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We Work Remotely is not just a peppy and encouraging slogan coming from this marketing agency or another. It’s actually a job board that specializes in connecting job seekers to employers who allow, or even prefer, 100% remote workforce. The sales pitch describes the site as a lively community, with full presence across social media and a reputable hub with over 2,5 million monthly visitors.

All of that sounds very nice, but it still doesn’t mean this site will suit your particular needs. That’s why we decided to take an in-depth look and determine all the ups and downs. Note, however, that this review is written from the job seekers’ perspective, touching upon the employers’ only when it’s relevant to the point.

wwr homepage preview

Site Overview – Is It Trustworthy?

With this site, you have zero reason to worry about the protection of your personal data. Primarily because you will be giving them none!

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How come? Well, We Work Remotely (WWR) is one of those increasingly rare beasts that won’t extort tons of your personal information before letting you ride them. In other words, you can use this site without feeding it any info about your race, ethnicity, income, education, or your great-aunt’s favorite dish. All you need to do is browse their jobs or enter some keywords in the search bar and read job descriptions. If you’re interested, click through the links provided, and you’ll be taken to the application forms. From there, everything is up to the employer. If they want to know more about your great-aunt, who are we to stop them?

And now to the community part. You can team up and do some networking with your fellow job seekers or remote workers from around the globe via the site’s social media accounts or Slack. Just hover over the Community tab in the upper right corner and the options will show up. I recommend their Slack channels, where you can find new openings, connect to other people, share your experiences, seek advice and feedback on your resume or CV, and much more. From what I’ve seen, it’s a pretty active community, so feel free to join!

weworkremotely community pages

In case you need more proof that WWR is a legit company, you’ll find it right on their homepage. They work with some well-known companies that are most certainly nice places to earn your bread. And possibly hefty amounts of butter too! Among others, there are tech behemoths such as Google and Amazon, as well as some well-known innovative companies including Hubstaff, Github, Zapier, Toggl, Automattic, Basecamp.

How Does It Work?

Like I said above, there’s no need to register with this site. Actually, you can’t do it even if you wanted to – the option is only there for employers!

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There’s more good news – you don’t have to pay a dime to use this job board. Unlike some of their competitors (such as Virtual Vocations), these guys only charge the employers. And charge them well for that matter. They have to cough out $299 per listing per 30 days. Which, of course, works out to your advantage. Only serious companies that care about their HR will be ready to pay a fee to find good employees or freelancers to work with.

If you don’t want to go back and browse around all the time, you can subscribe to receive new job offers from specific job categories every day. 

wwr subscription page selection

Types of Jobs You May Hope to Find at We Work Remotely

Anyone can use this site, but not everyone will have equal opportunity. Since the great majority of the companies seeking employees here are quite serious about their work, most of them will seek formal proof about your expertise. Even if they aren’t asking about your college degree, they will certainly want to take a look into your experience and professionalism.

Therefore, this board won’t be a gold mine for entry-level positions or people who are only starting out in certain fields. Sadly, such people will either have to beat the bushes, or get lucky, or find work in microworking digital sweatshops such as Clickworker or Amazon Mechanical Turk Review. At least until they hone their skills in a particular field.

Be that as it may, here are the job categories that most of the WWR listings fall in:

  • Graphic or web design
  • Programming and developing
  • Customer support
  • Copywriting and content writing
  • Sales and marketing
  • Business and management
  • Finance and legal
  • Administrative
  • Translation and transcription
  • Health and medicine


  • Job seekers don’t have to pay a cent for using this job board. Unlike some other boards where they charge you a fee for premium access. If you’re unemployed, the last thing you need is paying fees for access to jobs that you may not even get.
  • The site is very simple. Which is a clear advantage not just because there’s beauty in simplicity, but because simplicity is user-friendly.
  • The fee of $299 per job listing per 30 days filters out the lousy offers, leaving in only serious players. Sure, some sub-par employers will probably make their way into the system. But most will be highly respectable, offering many nice perks (e.g. flexible hours, long vacations, gym allowance,and so on).
  • There are various job types, for people with different skill sets and backgrounds. From web designers to content writers to project managers, there’s something for many profiles of professionals.
  • As a job seeker, you can use this board and apply for jobs without so much as registering on the site. The site collects no info from you whatsoever!
  • You can take advantage of their lively community on social media or Slack. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it can be immensely useful to connect to your fellow job seekers. If you don’t like networking, you can still subscribe to their daily newsletter or RSS feed, to stay in the loop.


  • There aren’t many new listings every day. Which makes sense, though, since there aren’t that many great companies in the world.
  • Even though everyone can use the platform, many if not most job listings prefer people from the US or Europe. The reasons vary from bureaucratic ones such as tax compliance to personal preferences at the employers’ discretion. It means the majority of the world is often excluded from the pool of applicants.
  • Not a very fruitful job board for tech newbies. That doesn’t mean they should never try it though! People made of flesh and blood read those applications and resumes. Most of them have been in your shoes at one time or another. And some of them might turn a blind eye on your lack of experience if they sniff out some other qualities in you! 

Conclusion About We Work Remotely

Even though it’s been a more and more popular business model for the past few years, working from home has boomed this year more than ever before. In spite of that fact, there aren’t very many job boards that offer premium listings for free.

That’s why We Work Remotely, in spite of a few shortcomings, is hands down one of the best boards I’ve seen. First, they make their living off of employers and not the job seekers. Second, because the site is intuitively built and easy to use. And third, because they have a community that you can harness to maximize your chances of getting hired.

Even if you’re a newcomer to the world of skilled online labor, feel free to try out the site by any means. But don’t get discouraged if there aren’t any hits. You can start out as a freelancer on Upwork or some similar sites, where you can make some cash by writing, transcribing, or doing some other simple tasks. If you’re persistent enough, your chances and hireability on WWR or similar sites will increase with each passing day. 

If you aren’t ready for those either, you can always supplement your income with legit survey sites. The world of online money making is a big and beautiful one, brimming with possibility. It just takes some grit and patience to find your own place in it.

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