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Happy Birthday To You! Congratulations! You have just turned 14 and would love to find a new, easy way to make some money. You have possibly been doing a paper round for years, and might have also done some dog-walking for your elderly neighbors, but wouldn’t it be cool to be able to earn money while lying on your bed and fiddling with your phone? After all, that is your favorite activity, isn’t it?

Well, you will probably be thrilled to hear that this is actually possible. But how? Let me tell you. You can take surveys for teens, and they will pay you to complete these surveys. So now, you are probably asking, ‘Who is this they?’

Market research companies are hired by many businesses to find out all sorts of information from the public. They want to know about your shopping habits, how you spend your free time, your favorite type of TV show, your fashion preferences, whether you prefer thick or thin crust on your pizza, and so on.

The list of information that they need is literally endless. The way that they acquire this information is by asking people to take surveys online. This can be done while lounging around the house in your pajamas, during the commercial breaks in your latest TV series, and even while relaxing and soaking in the bathtub.

These market research companies are also known as Get-Paid-To sites or GPT sites. The reason for this is that you get paid to take their surveys and provide them with the relevant information that they desperately need.

Sound too good to be true? It really isn’t, but you do need to be VERY cautious. Many of these websites ask for detailed personal information. You need to know if you are engaging with a safe platform to divulge this information.

There is certain personal information that should NEVER be shared online for the purpose of earning money. There are thousands of scammers out there who have no guilty conscience at all and will fleece you for every penny that they can, once they have information like your identity number, social security number, credit card number, and banking details.

In this article, we will explain how surveys for teens work, what pitfalls to look out for, and we will also give you tips on how to recognize a scam and protect yourself. We will direct you to five popular legitimate sites where you can take surveys for teens in safety, and get paid for doing so.

How Do Surveys For Teens Work?

The whole process is quite simple. You find a GPT company that is doing market research and offers some surveys for teens. Before getting your first survey, you will have to register and sign up with the company. You will be asked to provide certain information, such as your full name, date of birth, telephone number, and email address.

Most GPT companies require their respondents to be over 18 years of age, however, there are a few that specifically create surveys for teens, as they are looking for information that is specifically relevant to their teenage target market. In these cases, there will possibly be a section on the sign-up form where an adult will have to give parental consent.

Once you have successfully registered with the company, they will send you surveys to complete online and send back to them. In exchange for submitting your completed survey, you will receive a reward.

Rewards are usually given in the form of points, which can then be exchanged either for cash, gift cards such as Amazon gift cards, or other prizes. The number of points given for completing a survey varies from company to company, and also depends on the length of the survey.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking that surveys for teens are going to make you rich. They won’t! The rewards are not big enough. The surveys take time to complete, and you need to do quite a few in order to make any worthwhile sum of money.

However, you can certainly earn enough to make a little bit of extra pocket money. You may be able to treat yourself to the odd little luxury here or there, that you otherwise might not have been able to buy for yourself.

How Do You Exchange Points For Cash?

Most of these GPT companies work with PayPal, and the value of your points can be credited to your PayPal account, which you can then transfer to your bank account.

You need to be aware of the fact that, as a teenager under 18 years old, you are not allowed to open a PayPal account on your own. Even though the account can be in your name, a parent will have to sign consent and act as the primary account holder.

When opening a PayPal account, you are asked for certain sensitive personal information. One of the questions is your date of birth. If you misrepresent yourself and provide false information, it is very likely that you will be caught, as PayPal verifies all information supplied to them.

If you are found to have provided false information and lied about your age, PayPal will shut down your account. You will possibly then lose any money that is in your PayPal balance at the time. Of course, all your hard work will then have been in vain, so we suggest that you never attempt to do this.

When filling in the signup form, it is also important to answer all questions about yourself truthfully, so that the company can try to send you only those surveys that are relevant to you.

Occasionally, you may find that you respond to a survey that has been sent to you, only to be told that you do not qualify for that particular survey. In this case, often you won’t receive any compensation. However, some companies will still give you a small ‘consolation prize’ of a few points even if you don’t qualify for the survey.

How Can You Tell If A GPT Company Is Legitimate?

This is a very good question, and it is very important for you to be aware of certain issues in this regard, especially if you are new to this and are just starting out.

Your private personal information is often very useful to crooked individuals, who want to steal your identity and commit fraudulent activities under your name. Therefore it is essential that you ensure that you only provide this information to legitimate operations.

You may also be enticed to take a survey by phrases such as ‘Take this brief survey and earn $5.’ You take the survey, but then wait forever, and never receive your money.

Some scammers will even create a website that is an almost identical replica of a legitimate website, and you can hardly tell the difference. These sites are cleverly designed to fool you.

There are numerous things that you should be on the lookout for when signing up to taking surveys for teens.

    • A site that says you need to ‘pre-qualify’ to join.

These people will get you to reveal all your personal information by answering their questions in order to register. Then, when you click ‘Register’, a message will pop up telling you that you do not qualify for their offer. In the meantime, you have just given them all your details and they can use that information, or even sell it to any unauthorized third party.

    • Privacy Policy

All legitimate GPT companies will have a clearly visible privacy policy on their website. In this policy, they undertake to protect your privacy and guarantee that they will not share your personal information with any other party.

Before you sign up, look for the company’s privacy policy. If you cannot find it, or if the terms are not clear, stay away from them. It is a clear sign that this is a dodgy operation, and your privacy and personal information will very possibly be compromised.

    • Paying a ‘Registration Fee’

Asking for a Registration Fee should be a bright red flag to you. A company that insists on a registration fee being paid to them before they will allow you to sign up is probably not legitimate. Many scams operate this way. They lure you into parting with your cash in order to supposedly make easy money, and then you never hear from them again.

Sometimes these people will even hack into your credit card or bank account once you have used this method to pay the ‘registration fee’. They will then clear out your account. Legitimate GPT companies will never ask you for money in order to do work for them.

Some companies that are legitimate and above board will even offer a small reward for signing up, either in the form of a few points to start off your account, or a small gift. This is an indication of the fact that it is a bona fide company.

Where Can You Find Legitimate Surveys For Teens?

The following Get-Paid-To companies sometimes have surveys for teens that you will be able to complete, thus earning a little bit of money, even if you are under 18.


MOBROG is a market research service that is linked to the German company SPLENDID RESEARCH. They conduct surveys worldwide, both over the internet on computers, and via an app that you can download to your smartphone.

Payment for these surveys can be anything between $0.50 and $3.00, depending on the individual survey. Payment is made into your PayPal account.

MOBROG is a completely safe and legitimate platform on which you can do surveys for teens and get paid for them. They endorse the practices of the International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice.

MOBROG has a very clear privacy policy, so you know that when you sign up with them your private information is safe and protected. On their website, they have many testimonials from satisfied participants.



On TOLUNA, it is possible for teenagers from the age of 13 to join up. The number of surveys you will receive will depend on the demographic information that you have provided in your profile.

TOLUNA is safe and legitimate. It has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau for 25 years. For each survey that you complete, you will be credited with a certain number of points. You will also receive 500 points for signing up.

Once you have accumulated 30 000 points, you can cash out and either take an Amazon gift card or have the cash credited to your PayPal account. Now, this is where you need to be careful.

30,000 points may sound like a lot, and you could be forgiven for thinking that all those points will buy you something big. But 30,000 points is only worth $10 on TOLUNA. With each survey earning you between 1500 and 2000 points, it will take you a long time to build up a balance of 30 000 points.



MySoapBox is a very popular website for surveys for teens. It is totally safe and above board. On this platform, you will definitely be paid, and your personal information will not be shared with any unauthorized third party. Anyone over the age of 13 is eligible to join.

MySoapBox offers lots of different options for completing surveys online. On this site, you can cash out via gift cards, and there are many different cards to choose from, such as Amazon, Starbucks, Movie cards, and numerous others.

The credibility of MySoapBox is endorsed by their membership of the ISA (Interviewing Service of America), ensuring that their surveys are legitimate. They use the feedback from their surveys to provide information to their clients on what people are doing and thinking and help their clients to provide better service.

Registration on MySoapBox is quick and straightforward, and rewards are paid out almost immediately.



E-Poll is a legitimate website for surveys for teens. They are an online platform where you can express your opinions on many issues that are relevant to your day to day life. In exchange for sharing your opinions with them, you will be rewarded with points that can be cashed in either for cash or for various gift cards and other prizes.

One of the great things about E-Poll, that really sets them apart from the other GPT sites, is that they have a monthly draw for a $1000 prize. If you take at least one survey a month, you will be entered into the draw.

If you save up your points, you will be eligible for better rewards. If you are a teenager with a social conscience, and you care about others, E-Poll is the right site for you. They give you the option of donating some or even all of your points to charity. On their website, you can see a list of their affiliated charities, and you can select which charity to donate to.

E-Poll has been in business since 1998. With over 20 years of experience, you can trust them to be reliable and honest. Most of their surveys deal with really enjoyable issues that teenagers would find lots of fun, things such as movies, entertainment, and new cool products.


Harris Poll

If you are 14 years old and above, you are eligible to participate in online surveys with Harris Poll. They are extremely popular, and their members have given them a 4.5 out of a possible 5-star rating, as far as internet survey sites go.

Registration on their site is free, and it is fast and straightforward to sign up. Once your registration has been accepted, they will send you up to 3 to 4 surveys a month. They try to send you surveys that are relevant to you, based on the information you provide in your profile.

By answering their questions honestly and ensuring that you provide accurate information when you sign up, you help them to identify those surveys that are most appropriate for you personally.

This can avoid you being disqualified for some surveys. However, if you do not qualify for a particular survey, you will be entered into a lucky draw for their quarterly sweepstake, and possibly win $10,000.

In addition to their regular surveys, Harris Poll will also sometimes send you ‘screeners’. These are short questionnaires that are designed to assess which surveys are the best fit for you. While they don’t pay you for completing these, it is still a good idea to do them, so that you don’t receive surveys that will be a waste of your time.


Summing It Up

Surveys for teens are definitely available on numerous legitimate platforms, and it is a good way for teens to earn their own money. But it is important to remember to be cautious, and check that you are not signing up for a big scam.

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