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When it comes to marketing, consumer feedback is a huge way for businesses to grow and improve. When a new product or service comes out, there are few ways to get raw, unbiased feedback on a massive scale. This feedback can be analyzed, quantified, and then broken down to tell brands what does and doesn’t work – information that can save them millions.

If you’re looking to get paid for your opinions, online surveys are a good first step, and Panel Champ is one of the many online survey sites where you can take surveys to earn extra money in your spare time.

About Panel Champ

Panel Champ, formerly known as Quest Mindshare, is an online survey site that operates in an expansive range of countries worldwide including India, the United States, Australia, and more. They work with major brands like Budweiser, Cisco, Coca-Cola, CNN, and more to provide quantitative data on consumer feedback that allows them to shape their campaigns to better reach their target audiences.

Who Is Panel Champ For?

Anyone over the age of 16 is able to participate in the surveys (as long as they live in a supported country). The site is for those who are looking for the chance to earn some extra money on the side while they help to influence brands they know and possibly even use. These surveys can be in the form of polls, videos, music, and more, so there’s always something interesting to answer.

How Does Panel Champ Work?

To begin using Panel Champ, you will have to visit their website and select your country from their drop-down list. This will bring you to the specific registration page for you, where you can enter your personal information and create the account you’ll use to track surveys and your rewards.

After you complete your account, you will be faced with a wall of questions to answer about your profile. These will help to provide more information about you so that you can fit into more demographics and increase your potential for survey opportunities. You can also fill out additional information on the sidebar like your preferred number of surveys or contact information.

Once you’ve answered as many questions as you can, your account is ready to begin receiving invitations for tasks. Unfortunately, Panel Champ does not offer on-demand tasks, and you will have to wait to receive an invitation before you can earn some money.

Once you do receive the task, you can click the link and follow the instructions to completion. After it is completed and the answers are approved, your account will be updated with your balance. To check your balance or redeem it, click the “rewards” tab on the dashboard.

For cashing out, you have a few options to choose from. PayPal is the cash-equivalent option but also has the highest minimum cash out at $12.50 USD. You can also choose the popular Amazon gift card once you reach $10 USD or go with a custom gift card code as well. Once you choose, your gift will be dispatched within 30 days of redemption.

Panel Champ’s Survey Options

Let’s be real; surveys can be boring to take after a while. When your only options are multiple-choice polls or long-form responses to questions, it gets stale quickly. Fortunately, with Panel Champ you have a few different tasks types to experience.

Online polls

The most common type of survey, consists of a question and multiple-choice answers for you to choose between. They usually span a few seconds to a few minutes.

Online surveys

These are longer-form surveys that require written feedback rather than multiple choice answers. They usually take a few minutes to upwards of an hour depending on the length.

Music feedback

Every so often, you’ll come across a music survey on Panel Champ. These high-paying tasks will involve you listening to an audio clip and providing your feedback like a music critic. In some cases, you’ll need experience within the industry to be eligible, but if you receive an invitation, accept it as soon as possible.

Video feedback

Occasionally, you’ll come across some video ads to watch and review. These can be prospective commercials for businesses or trailers for new shows. Either way, plug in some earphones and give it a watch.

Panel Champ Pros

Multiple survey options

Don’t get stuck mindlessly filling multiple-choice bubbles for hours. With a variety of different survey types, you can get a break from the monotony and can provide feedback on a media survey.

Multiple cash out options

PayPal and Amazon gift cards are about as close to cash as you can get without waiting on a check to be mailed to you, so having them as options on Panel Champ makes it easy to spend your earnings how you want.

Panel Champ Cons

Slow reward payouts

30 days is a long time to wait on the money you earned in your spare time!

Limited opportunities

There are no on-demand tasks (outside of the initial personal surveys) on Panel Champ, so you will have to keep an eye on your inbox to get the chance to participate.

No mobile option

You can’t have a PC with you everywhere, and with the absence of a mobile app, the potential time you can spend earning money is drastically lowered.

Panel Champ Review Conclusion

Overall, Panel Champ is a solid survey site to consider spending your spare time on. International support in over 16 countries makes it possible for a variety of people to give their feedback from all over the world.

They offer a variety of different survey types, have some high-paying tasks for more niche demographics, and offer great cash out options. Unfortunately, a lack of mobile support and on-demand surveys knocks them down a peg.

If you plan to be on your computer a lot and want to add another source of surveys to your list, Panel Champ would be a fine addition. It doesn’t hurt to sign up.

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