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Paid online surveys are a great and hassle-free way of earning some extra bucks. They won’t pay off your mortgage or new furniture, but they might help you get a trinket or two, or at least pay for your drinks. But that’s only if you choose the right panel. If not, you might end up sorry AND not safe. So how to choose the right panel in the ocean of scam? What about the one called OpinionPLUS?

Before we proceed with the how and the what and the why, let me issue a word of warning. If you look up “OpinionPLUS” on Google, you will get all sorts of different results, except for the right one. And it’s not through Google’s fault. OpinionPLUS just doesn’t seem to exist any longer. All you can hope to get is the panel called Op4G, which is short for “Opinion for Good”. It’s run by the same company that used to operate OpinionPLUS, so you’re in the right place.

opinionplus homepage preview

How to Get in?

Once you successfully land on the Op4G site, you will notice that it looks pretty empty. Apart from the basic contact form where you can log in or sign up, there’s literally nothing. You may want to scroll down and reach for Terms & Conditions or Privacy, but those don’t offer a whole lot of information either.

The registration box will only prompt for your name, email, and password. You will immediately receive a confirmation email with a link that you need to click through to confirm your account. Once you do that, a set of demographic questions will be waiting for you: gender, ethnicity, household income and the like.

Only then will the panel start to look like one, with an actual dashboard and a bit of data.

Op4G available surveys page

But if you hope to get access to some more useful information now that you’re a member, you’re in for a bit of disappointment. All you will be able to see is available surveys, completed surveys, and your earnings balance with current funds, additional funds you need to get before requesting a payout, and the next payout date.

How Much Can I Earn With Op4G Survey Site?

First things first: this is one of those generous panels that will award you for completing your profile. The process doesn’t take more than three to four minutes and will bring you $2. Not bad for starters, right?

But there isn’t much more where that came from. For what it’s worth, the panel will pay you via PayPal. But that’s only if the email you used for registration matches your PayPal email. So, if you’re willing to try this panel, make sure you don’t provide a different email that isn’t associated with PayPal.

Now, I know this sounds a bit imprudent, since I myself always use one of my secondary email addresses when I test new survey sites. But this site seems to be legitimate, so there should be no consequences if you endow them with your primary address.

Back to the earnings! I wasn’t lucky enough to get any surveys during my first couple of days on this panel, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be. This panel isn’t one of those that offer dozens of available surveys at any given moment. But the exact number of them ultimately depends on your demography. If it matches what their client companies are looking for, you could be more lucky than I was.

Low Payout Threshold

If you manage to get qualified for any surveys at all, you will be pleased to know that the cashout threshold is lower than with most of their competitors. With just $10 needed to request your payment, it shouldn’t take long to get your hands on the money – at least in theory.

In practice, though, it will probably take long, what with the low number of surveys you’ll get and even lower number of those you will qualify for. Many users report waiting forever to get an adequate survey, or even any survey at all. So, that would be the most significant drawback of this platform. Unfortunately, it isn’t the only one.


  • Payouts go through PayPal. It’s the quickest and the awesomest way of getting your hands on your cash. Or virtual cash. Call it whatever you like – it’s still cash, ready to sit in your account, hop into your wallet, or pay for those shoes you’ve been eyeing for months.
  • The cashout threshold is comparatively low. Consider that most other panels will require you to earn at least $20 or even $25 before they let go of it. So, the $10 threshold seems pretty enticing.
  • You will get $2 just for signing up. It’s a nice way to jumpstart your journey on this panel, if there is to be one at all.
  • Teenagers are welcome too! The only age condition is that you need to be older than 13. It means the panel should be a nice source of some pocket money for kiddos. In fact, they will ask you during signup whether you have any teenagers living in your household and willing to take surveys.


  • Don’t hope to get many surveys. I’ve come across an info that the average number of surveys per week is two to three. But it seems to be more common to get none at all for weeks or even months on end. With that kind of frequency, it seems hard to rely on this panel for a stable (however low) income.
  • Has anyone ever been eligible for these things? It sounds discomforting, but that’s just how it is. And I’m not speaking for myself alone – most users complain of the same thing. Some of them even say that the panel was a decent one before it changed name and identity.
  • Account suspension issue seems to be pretty common too. People report it happening exactly when they were due for a payout. How convenient for the company! But I won’t go so far as to assume that they are doing it on purpose. It might be some bug or other technical issue. But it doesn’t make it any easier on someone who had waited for weeks to earn those $10, only to learn that payout won’t be possible after all.
  • Currently, you can only join from US or Canada. These rules used to be different in the era of OpinionPLUS. Users from many European countries as well as Australia were welcome to join too. But right now, it boils down to the left side of the pond. And not even the entire left side!

Final Thoughts – Is Op4G Worth Trying Out?

When you put the cons against the pros, the answer is clear. However low the threshold, however alluring the payment method, it’s all for nothing when you hardly ever get the chance to actually make some money. But there’s an even worse scenario: making some money but not being able to withdraw it.

So, my two cents would be that there are many other panels out there. Many of them are more of the same or worse, but there’s a handful of good or decent ones too. That’s where it’s probably wiser to invest your time.

But I won’t discourage you from joining the panel simply because I and many other users weren’t lucky enough. I’ve seen some positive reviews too; it’s just that they aren’t prevalent. Judging by their current BBB rating of A-, they are legit. So ultimately, it boils down to your decision and patience.

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