100 dollar bills on a chalkboard

You must have heard it a hundred times. Many people claim that they are earning $200 or more every day by doing simple, mindless online tasks such as taking surveys, playing games, watching videos. So why is it that you and me are still in front of our computers – me writing this article as part of my job, and you skimming it impatiently it to discover the secret formula? And it’s not just us. Thousands of people are searching for the philosopher’s stone to turn plain metal into gold. What’s the recipe for happiness? What should I eat to lose 20 pounds in a week? How to make 200 dollars in one day without much toil?

Many make-money-online websites will try to convince you that it’s possible. Their content almost makes you think that most people are fools for working hard all of their adult lives, improving themselves every day and sweating over their mistakes and failures. Heck, why don’t we all quit our day jobs and take up surveys?

But let me tell you, they aren’t the ones who have it wrong. They are merely trying to sell you misleading information so that you would subscribe to their email list, click through their link, or share their video. That’s how they make $200 or even significantly more every day, and not through taking online surveys or clicking ads. They do it through affiliate marketing, which demands some serious work.

So, here’s the painful truth: it’s not possible to make an extra $200 a day without some serious grinding. True, it can happen every once in a while by chance. But if you hope to start today and collect your first $200 bounty tomorrow, forget it!

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Myth #1: You Can Do It With Surveys

I won’t be a hypocrite. This site also makes respectable money every day, and it’s mainly about online survey panels. But we never once claimed that you can make serious money by taking surveys. Just like we don’t!

On the contrary – the lion’s share of our earnings here comes from affiliate links. Therefore, affiliate marketing. It takes serious time, effort, and commitment. In fact, it takes a full-time (and often overtime) job to do it. Similarly to whatever it is that you’re doing to make a living.

But we don’t do it by selling you deceptive or fraudulent stories. You can choose whether or not to sign up to survey panels through our links. If you do, we will get a tiny commission at no extra cost to you. Should you decide to skip, that’s absolutely fine too.

If the idea of making $200 a day with online surveys worked, I would be the first one to adopt it. However much I like my job, I still prefer getting paid for zero work!

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Fact #1: It’s More Like $2 per Day

Surveys, focus groups, and other paid forms of market research are only there to help you make some pocket money while you’re waiting in line, killing time, or just relaxing. We’re often recommending our readers to combine a couple of trustworthy panels to maximize their earning chances. So if you’re stubborn or really into it, you can even supplement your income with a couple hundred bucks every month. 

But that’s all there is to it. Spend an hour on surveys or other get-paid-to tasks, and maybe you’ll earn an extra $2, $5, or even $10 that day. But if you decide to invest five hours every day in that same activity, you’ll likely end up frustrated and drained up, unable to lift a finger for the rest of the day.

And did I even mention the fact that many survey panels pay in gift cards and even sweepstakes entries? You can’t pay your bills with an Amazon gift card, much less with sweepstakes you never won.

Myth #2: Enter Focus Groups (and Other Offline Market Research Activities)

There are specialized survey panels that will pay hundreds of dollars per survey or a focus group. Some of them such as MedPanel will recruit healthcare professionals, and pay them up to $140 per project. Others may look for contractors, IT professionals, or executives. There are also all-purpose market research panels that seek just about anyone who matches their demographic requirements – Toluna, Ipsos i-Say, and Harris Poll come to mind. Most of these panels are legit, boasting decades of experience in their respective industries.

Indeed, participating in a focus group or a longer phone survey usually doesn’t take more than an hour or two. You only need to be physically able to attend, and willing to provide your sincere opinions on a certain topic.

Fact #2: Maybe You’ll Make $200 Per Day… Once or Twice a Year

The problem is, those kinds of research happen rarely. And even when they do happen, the researchers are usually looking for a very small number of participants. Naturally, if all they need is 10 or 20 people, they will choose carefully to find the perfect match. And chances are, you or I or anyone else can’t hope to ever become regular guests in any observation room.

So, if anyone tells you that this is a viable way, they are trying to trick you for whatever reason. Mostly because they are aiming to make those extra $200 per day by getting you and hundreds of other people to believe them.

Myth #3: Take Up Freelance Writing and You’ll Earn $200 Tomorrow

This one is partially a myth, for reasons I’ll delve into straight away.

Many freelance writers make much more than $200 per day. Heck, some of them are so brilliant and skilled that they have no trouble reaching those coveted six figures, outshining even programmers.

But the beginnings are always humble, with days and even months of free work. You will need published articles to showcase your skills to your potential clients. Unless you already have a writer’s portfolio, you will have to reach out to a bunch of people and ask them if they’d feature your articles in their online publications. You can also make your own blog in WordPress, which can either serve as your portfolio site, or you can fill it up with content and monetize it.

Sometimes, a beginner’s luck may shine on you and bring you those $200 in a single day – even for an extended period of time. Let me tell you a personal story from my own beginnings as a freelancer. I started working with a small company as a chat assistant, helping students to complete their writing assignments. The compensation was a whopping $1 per minute of active chat – I kid you not! I had to rub my eyes in disbelief when I saw $60 in my account after a single hour. So what happened? The company went broke after a few months. Their model just wasn’t viable in the long run.

Another time, I got lucky with a snappy book summarizing project on the freelancing platform Upwork. It took me just a few hours to earn $200. The client was happy and proposed another project that I couldn’t take on. Then he disappeared and there I was again, back to the measly hourly rates of freelancing rookies.

upwork review layout

Fact #3: It Takes Years to Make It

Do you know how many years of hard work it takes to be able to earn $200 every day? When you begin working as a writer, you’ll need to resign yourself to the fact that your hard work today will pay properly after a couple of years. You will have to painstakingly work your way up, one step at a time, with tons of patience and perseverance.

I know, there are reputable sites that will pay their contributors $200 or more per article. Again, it takes very long to reach that level of proficiency. They won’t accept just about any article, much less pay for it!

Conclusion on How to Make 200 Dollars in One Day – Is It Possible at All?

Let’s summarize! You can make $200 a day through two factors only:

  1. Years-long effort that made you an expert in a specific area. There are different names for this option, one of which is a full-time job. Yep, chances are you’re already doing it!
  2. Pure luck. And all of us know how frail luck is. Today, it may as well procure you a $200 or even a $500 check. Tomorrow, it will hop away from you. Or even trick you into a scheme and bleed you dry.

Next time you come across a blog post promising you money rain from a get-paid-to platform, think twice before you hit that signup button. And remember that age-old wisdom that applies to this case as well: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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