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These days, everyone will tell you how awesome it is to make money online by writing. But not many people have really been down that road. The cold, hard truth is that it’s difficult to prosper as a writer, and even more difficult to get started. As a newbie writer, you will face much trouble to obtain clients and persuade them to invest their money when there’s no proof that you can actually do the job. That’s why content writing services such as Constant Content are there – to bridge the gap between writers and clients by creating a versatile and dynamic marketplace and vouching for its quality.

But the fact that the concept is great doesn’t mean it works. In this Constant Content review, we are going to examine it from top to bottom. Before you invest your time in registering with this panel and churning out countless pieces of content, you’ll want to know if it’s worth it at all! 

Company Overview

Having been in business for ten years now, Constant Content is one of the oldest players in the field. They operate from two offices in Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) and Federal Way (Washington, US). There is contact info, as well as a very active LinkedIn page. Also, their clients include Sears, Walgreens, Uber, Zulily, CVS, eBay, Home Depot, and more. That should put the rest all doubts of their legitimacy.

ConstantContent homepage preview

How Does It Work?

The registration doesn’t take more than a couple minutes, but it’s not the only thing you need to do. When you verify your account from email, you will need to pass a short quiz, and then submit an original writing sample containing anywhere from 100 to 250 words. The quiz is really just a basic examination of your English grammar skills and shouldn’t give you any headaches. When it comes to the sample, things are different. Sure, much depends on the quality of your sample – but there is also the subjectivity issue, since your sample will be read and scrutinized by an actual editorial team and not this piece of software or that one.

If you pass these stages, you need to write a bio with up to 120 words, preferably in 3rd person. Make sure to highlight your background and relevant experience if any. Keep it concise and up to the point. Nobody cares if you’ve worked in a restaurant unless you intend to specialize in that particular niche.

Any certificates you might have will add another layer of trust in your expertise. Also, make sure to upload a good, high-resolution photo of yourself, to show that there’s a person behind your work, and that this person is friendly, outgoing, and professional.

You will also be able to tick your areas of expertise and types of content that you prefer writing. It’s best to choose but not limit yourself to things you’re most comfortable with. Stick with what you know, but leave room for exploration and improvement!

For more details, check out their Guidelines. It’s a long document but you’ll find loads of useful info there.

Ways to Sell Articles on Constant Content

There are three basic ways to earn here.

  1. Submit your pre-written articles and wait for someone to buy them. There are no rules or even estimations as to how long it will take to make a sale. You may get lucky in a week, a month, a year, or frankly, never. It depends on so many variables that it’s impossible to predict.
  2. Apply to public requests for on-demand articles. You can browse through those requests and choose the ones that are in line with your skills, interests, and budget. This option is for those of you who don’t want to keep their fingers crossed. Taking things into your own hands is the right way to go, and it may lead to building some long-term relationships with clients.
  3. Get direct invitations from potential clients to apply to their project. This one will largely depend on the keywords you put into your bio.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

An important thing to remember is that you’ll be selling your articles under the Full Rights licence – which means the buyer can do with your article as they please. They can even leave out your name altogether and take credit for your work. Therefore, it’s a clear-cut case of ghostwriting, even though they never use that word. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

On the bright side, you get to choose your own price. Unlike ContentGather and some other platforms, this one doesn’t limit you in any way. However, when setting your price, make sure to factor in 35% that the site will clip off as commission. Admittedly, this commission is a healthy bite when compared with ContentGather where they will take 20%. But that’s why you get to set any price for your content.

Their editors will check and proofread your content, but they also use Copyscape for plagiarism. Therefore, you can’t get away with rewriting and copying other people’s content! Copyscape is a very precise tool, so if you try plagiarizing, you will only get yourself banned.

Their database contains over 100,000 pre-written articles at any given moment.


  • You get to set your price per word. Unlike some other content writing panels such as ContentGather, this one won’t limit you in any way. It means the earning potential is significantly higher than with most other content writing panels, if you manage to break through the beginner’s paralysis.
  • Payments go through PayPal, which is the most popular and widespread payment system in the world. Just make sure to register with the email address you use for PayPal, to avoid confusion.
  • The cashout threshold is low, at just $5. And frankly, it should be pretty easy to sell at least one article every month.
  • It could be a good way to establish yourself as a niche writer. Since there are a multitude of niches, you don’t have to be an all-purpose writer. In fact, if you specialize in a particular subject and prove your expertise by writing unique, top-notch content, it could open up some doors for fruitful collaboration with long-term clients.


  • Their 35% commission is too much indeed. Sure, you can raise your per-word price because of that. But that means the client will make you work for that price, and not the one you’ll actually get.
  • It’s ghostwriting! That means you’ll have to say goodbye to each and every article you submit there. Thinking about linking out to them from your portfolio? You’d better not unless you want to violate their rules! 
  • Judging by some user reviews, finding work is very hard – at least in the beginning. To get access to more custom writing gigs, you will need to work your way up. But how to do that when you can hardly hunt down any assignments to begin with?
  • Fierce competition means there are many writers who sell their work for peanuts. And they aren’t bad writers – after all, everybody has to make it through their strict selection process! That makes it harder to get substantial income from this site.
  • Some users complain that their accounts were suspended without a valid reason, and support was scarcely of any help.

Conclusion – Is Constant Content a Good Site to Make Money as a Writer?

Even though there are quite a few things I don’t like about Constant Content, I won’t be too quick to label it as a time waster. The fact that some people weren’t lucky doesn’t mean the site is bad on the whole.

That being said, you shouldn’t embrace it as your only earning opportunity. The best strategy would be to apply for at least five or six such marketplaces, with dozens of pre-written articles up your sleeve. It only takes one sale to fuel up your writing enthusiasm. And that sale may or may not happen on Constant Content.

Also, you shouldn’t despair if you don’t get accepted there. Every road to success is paved with countless rejections! This article might also give you some ideas about other sites where you can try your luck.

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